The Esther and Jerry Hicks Omission Explained
By Cathy Lane March 9, 2007
Esther and Jerry Hicks have been omitted from the official list of Secret Teachers. This has been met by a great deal of disappoint by avid Secret fans because of the powerful message Esther delivered in the full length original version of the inspirational movie. Many of you have been left asking WHY?. . .
I have received numerous amounts of feedback in a short space of time concerning this issue and want to clear it up with you. I’ll share their story along the way.
Esther and Jerry Hicks have been teaching the Law of Attraction through the teachings of Abraham for over 20 years (since 1986 in fact).
They featured in the original version of The Secret but were subsequently omitted due to problems with the contract. I’ve been researching and surfing forums to find out why and this is what I’ve found out:
I’ll let Jerry and Esther explain what happened:
The Concept
Nearly two years ago, while on-board our Mexican Riviera Cruise, Prime Time Productions did an interview with Jerry and me, and with Abraham, in response to an agreement that we had all carefully crafted together for a television show that was to be aired in Australia called “The Secret.”
We were told that “The Secret” would be based on our work and that they would seek out other teachers who were in alignment with our work. We reviewed, on DVD, two other projects that had been created by this production company and found them to be beautifully done, and good-feeling pieces.
Their Strides into the Public Domain
Since Jerry and I had never before stepped into the public forum in that way with our Abraham work, we followed the advice of our publisher, who introduced us to an intellectual property rights attorney who assisted us in drafting the agreement which would guide our involvement with this project.
He explained to us that although he had included in the intellectual property rights license agreement that we were to receive a small percentage of the net profit from this project, and 10% of direct video sales, that it was very unlikely that (from his experience) we would receive any substantial compensation from our participation, and we were not unhappy with that arrangement.
Our decision to do it was not motivated from the idea of making money from it, (unless there was profit to share) but because we were stimulated by the excitement of this beautiful producer, and when we met her and her beautiful crew, we easily loved them all.
Delay in Airing
As time went by, it became apparent that the television network that we had been told would air “The Secret” was not going to do it, at least not right now, and so the production company began seeking other ways of marketing their beautiful project to recoup their very large investment. While Jerry and I were uncomfortable with what felt to us like a rather aggressive marketing campaign (just not our style, nothing wrong with it) we stayed focused on our busy schedule and really had very little to do with what was happening with “The Secret.”
The Omittance
Eventually we received an email from the producer of “The Secret” lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out.
It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham’s words were very clear and easy to understand: “Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, ‘if you don’t do this, then we will have to do such and such,’ it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?”
The Backlash
Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvement with “The Secret”. We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it.
No Hard feelings
We think that “The Secret” clearly and beautifully presents Abraham’s Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way “The Secret” moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love “The Secret”.
After hours of digging I found this statement on an Abraham Hicks forum:
Check out the full statement here>>
So. . .
Despite the omission Esther and Jerry are still enjoying the rapid expansion of the message of the teachings of Abraham and are happy to see it more and more prevalent in the public eye.
I thought I’d share how the Abraham Teachings have been used to explain the Law of Attraction.
Here’s 12 Lessons of Abraham-Hicks’ Teachings
“1. You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
2. You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
3. The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy.
4. You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
5. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
6. You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
7. The Universe adores you; for it knows your broadest intentions.
8. Relax into your natural Well-being. All is well. (Really it is!)
9. You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy.
10. Actions to be taken and money to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.
11. You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.
12. You cannot die; you are Everlasting Life”
After being exposed to The Secret, I became a student of The Law of Attraction. It is my goal to join the thousands of people around the world spreading the word on The Law of Attraction. This blog is dedicated to anything The Secret!
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Grandeur of Gratitude
The Grandeur of Gratitude
Most of us were told to say "thank you" as part of the basic set of manners that we were taught at a very young age. Gratitude, however, rather than simply being a semantic expression, is actually a full-blown concept whose power reaches much further than simply expressing appreciation as part of social etiquette.
The strength of gratitude as a basic concept for human existence can easily be seen by looking at almost any culture on planet Earth. Although each culture has different methods of attaining the things that are desired by the people of that culture, all of the societies share a common fact - they Give Thanks for what they have received.
In fact, in many cultures, the art of showing appreciation is an integral part of their very religious or spiritual beliefs. It is considered inappropriate, bad luck, or bad karma to not express heartfelt gratitude for the blessings that are given to individuals or to the society as a whole.
This begs the question of why it is that gratitude - which is purely a non-material thing - carries so much weight in almost every culture that has ever existed. From the most ancient texts all the way up through the modern mannerisms that are taught to all people, gratitude has remained an important concept since the dawn of life on Earth.
Why is it that something that has no material value, that cannot be measured in any scientific way, that cannot be used as money or barter, and that cannot be grasped with any of the 5 basic human senses is so powerful that it has been and continues to be a cornerstone of every human culture?
The answer lies in the fact that although gratitude is expressed for something that has been given, it is also the single most effective, powerful, simple, and free way to get literally everything that you could ever want in the world!
Gratitude, like all human emotions, creates an energetic vibration, and is part of what many call the "Emotional Guidance System". The Emotional Guidance System basically lets us know if something that we are doing is going to create more joy in our life, or more negativity.
If you are feeling good, then you instinctively know that by continuing to do the things that caused you to feel good, that you will get more of the same. If you are feeling bad, then the same rules apply, and you realize that you should stop doing the things that are causing negativity in your life.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful of the positive emotions that can be experienced by a human being, and as such, creates a very strong desire to continue to do whatever it is that caused us to be grateful to begin with. However, the true power of gratitude goes much deeper than that, and the answers lie in the energetic vibration that is created whenever you are grateful for something.
The universal Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like". In other words, if you are feeling a positive emotion, then that energetic vibration will attract more positive energy into your life.
By remembering that gratitude is one of the most powerful positive emotions, and that positive emotions attract positive energy into our lives, then the power of gratitude becomes very clear. Here is the trick, though - you have to FEEL it, not just say it.
Words have no use in the all-powerful field of constantly vibrating energy that is the Universe. To think that the language of any given culture would mean anything to the timeless, immeasurable power of the Universe is arrogant at best.
However, the vibrations that are created whenever you FEEL something - rather than just saying it - ARE understood by the Universe. In fact, your feelings are acted upon by the Universe whether you want them to be or not. This makes an understanding of the Law of Attraction and the amazing power of emotions like gratitude such a powerful tool for your success.
When you truly feel grateful for something, you send a message out to the Universe that says "I like that. Bring me more, please". The Universe will answer you every time. In fact, based on the immutable Law of Attraction, the Universe has no choice but to answer you.
If you think about the fact that you can literally send out any vibration that you want into the world and the power of the Universe will bring you back anything that you ask for, the implications become staggering. When the emotions that you send out reflect positive, heartfelt gratitude for the things that the Universe has already given to you, the implications jump from staggering to limitless!
Also, you do not need to have "huge" things to be grateful for in order to invoke this amazing power. The Universe does not care if you are grateful for the fact that you are a millionaire, or if you are merely grateful for the fact that you have eyes that work well enough for you to read this article.
All that matters is that you are Grateful. Then, as powerful as the rising and the setting of the sun, the Universe will inexorably bring you more things to be grateful for. Free of charge, no obligation, no penance to pay, no debt that needs to be settled later.
Related ResourcesHow to Invoke the Law of AttractionLaw of Attraction ResourcesThe Secret of Deliberate CreationEnergy HarmonicsYou ask for something, you receive it, you show gratitude, and you get more. It really is just that simple. Start and end each and every day of your life by focusing on the things that you are grateful for, and you will quickly realize that each time you go to sleep, and each time you wake up, you have even more things to BE grateful for.
That is the Grandeur of Gratitude!
About the AuthorAaron Potts is the owner and the creator of the Today is that Day website. His message to the world: "YOU are in charge, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!" If you found this article useful, be sure to check out the Today is that Day Blog, or Aaron's amazing eBook, Energy Harmonics. Also, you may click below to make a small donation to help Aaron continue to provide powerful, informative, and useful content so you can enjoy your life to the fullest!
Most of us were told to say "thank you" as part of the basic set of manners that we were taught at a very young age. Gratitude, however, rather than simply being a semantic expression, is actually a full-blown concept whose power reaches much further than simply expressing appreciation as part of social etiquette.
The strength of gratitude as a basic concept for human existence can easily be seen by looking at almost any culture on planet Earth. Although each culture has different methods of attaining the things that are desired by the people of that culture, all of the societies share a common fact - they Give Thanks for what they have received.
In fact, in many cultures, the art of showing appreciation is an integral part of their very religious or spiritual beliefs. It is considered inappropriate, bad luck, or bad karma to not express heartfelt gratitude for the blessings that are given to individuals or to the society as a whole.
This begs the question of why it is that gratitude - which is purely a non-material thing - carries so much weight in almost every culture that has ever existed. From the most ancient texts all the way up through the modern mannerisms that are taught to all people, gratitude has remained an important concept since the dawn of life on Earth.
Why is it that something that has no material value, that cannot be measured in any scientific way, that cannot be used as money or barter, and that cannot be grasped with any of the 5 basic human senses is so powerful that it has been and continues to be a cornerstone of every human culture?
The answer lies in the fact that although gratitude is expressed for something that has been given, it is also the single most effective, powerful, simple, and free way to get literally everything that you could ever want in the world!
Gratitude, like all human emotions, creates an energetic vibration, and is part of what many call the "Emotional Guidance System". The Emotional Guidance System basically lets us know if something that we are doing is going to create more joy in our life, or more negativity.
If you are feeling good, then you instinctively know that by continuing to do the things that caused you to feel good, that you will get more of the same. If you are feeling bad, then the same rules apply, and you realize that you should stop doing the things that are causing negativity in your life.
Gratitude is one of the most powerful of the positive emotions that can be experienced by a human being, and as such, creates a very strong desire to continue to do whatever it is that caused us to be grateful to begin with. However, the true power of gratitude goes much deeper than that, and the answers lie in the energetic vibration that is created whenever you are grateful for something.
The universal Law of Attraction states that "like attracts like". In other words, if you are feeling a positive emotion, then that energetic vibration will attract more positive energy into your life.
By remembering that gratitude is one of the most powerful positive emotions, and that positive emotions attract positive energy into our lives, then the power of gratitude becomes very clear. Here is the trick, though - you have to FEEL it, not just say it.
Words have no use in the all-powerful field of constantly vibrating energy that is the Universe. To think that the language of any given culture would mean anything to the timeless, immeasurable power of the Universe is arrogant at best.
However, the vibrations that are created whenever you FEEL something - rather than just saying it - ARE understood by the Universe. In fact, your feelings are acted upon by the Universe whether you want them to be or not. This makes an understanding of the Law of Attraction and the amazing power of emotions like gratitude such a powerful tool for your success.
When you truly feel grateful for something, you send a message out to the Universe that says "I like that. Bring me more, please". The Universe will answer you every time. In fact, based on the immutable Law of Attraction, the Universe has no choice but to answer you.
If you think about the fact that you can literally send out any vibration that you want into the world and the power of the Universe will bring you back anything that you ask for, the implications become staggering. When the emotions that you send out reflect positive, heartfelt gratitude for the things that the Universe has already given to you, the implications jump from staggering to limitless!
Also, you do not need to have "huge" things to be grateful for in order to invoke this amazing power. The Universe does not care if you are grateful for the fact that you are a millionaire, or if you are merely grateful for the fact that you have eyes that work well enough for you to read this article.
All that matters is that you are Grateful. Then, as powerful as the rising and the setting of the sun, the Universe will inexorably bring you more things to be grateful for. Free of charge, no obligation, no penance to pay, no debt that needs to be settled later.
Related ResourcesHow to Invoke the Law of AttractionLaw of Attraction ResourcesThe Secret of Deliberate CreationEnergy HarmonicsYou ask for something, you receive it, you show gratitude, and you get more. It really is just that simple. Start and end each and every day of your life by focusing on the things that you are grateful for, and you will quickly realize that each time you go to sleep, and each time you wake up, you have even more things to BE grateful for.
That is the Grandeur of Gratitude!
About the AuthorAaron Potts is the owner and the creator of the Today is that Day website. His message to the world: "YOU are in charge, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!" If you found this article useful, be sure to check out the Today is that Day Blog, or Aaron's amazing eBook, Energy Harmonics. Also, you may click below to make a small donation to help Aaron continue to provide powerful, informative, and useful content so you can enjoy your life to the fullest!
Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction
Weight Loss and the Law of Attraction
Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. It's powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of charge!
Who doesn't want Unlimited Cosmic Power without even having to bust open their wallet?
I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, and then I will get right into how you can use this universal power for something that a lot of people care about - losing weight!
In simple terms, the Law of Attraction basically states that "like attracts like". Whatever thoughts and feelings that you focus on the most will literally determine your future.
In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in our universe since the beginning of time. However, only recently has education about its incredible power become readily available to the general public.
So how is it that the Law of Attraction can help you to lose weight? Simple - you just need to think about it! Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, it actually is just that easy, but an explanation of exactly how you are supposed to "think" will help you to understand this process better. You can then take that knowledge and use it to help you with your weight loss or fitness goals.
Earlier I said that the Law of Attraction has been working for all life since the beginning of time, which begs the question, "Then why haven't I lost any weight yet?". In fact, that same question could be asked about pretty much any other goal that anyone has ever had. If all we have to do is think about something in order to bring it into our lives, then why aren't we all rich, perfectly healthy, and living happily ever after?
The simple answer is that most people - without even knowing it - don't really think about what they want. They think about the fact that they DON'T have it. Now, if you'll go back briefly to the definition of the Law of Attraction - like attracts like - then you will see that the reason why people don't have the things that they want is because all they ever do is think about NOT having those things.
This same concept applies to weight loss and health just as efficiently as it applies to everything else. A lot of people want to lose weight, but rather than think about how wonderful their life will be once they have lost the weight, they instead think about how miserable they are because they HAVEN'T lost the weight!
Think about it. If you need to lose weight, which of the following statements describes your thoughts/feelings when you walk in front of a mirror without any clothes on:
a) I am so sexy since I have my weight under control, and I have an unlimited amount of confidence. I can date anyone that I please and my biggest problem is deciding which little tiny piece of clothing to wear to the beach or the swimming pool.b) I am so FAT! I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror, so how can I expect anyone else to want to look at me? I'll be lucky if I don't have to take my clothing size up another notch or two at the rate I'm going.
Now, be honest. Which one of those statements do you think comes closer to the way that people who need to lose weight think of themselves?
Once again referring back to the Law of Attraction - If you think miserable, sad, guilty, or low self-esteem powered thoughts, then the Law of Attraction will dutifully bring you more things to be miserable about. In fact, the more miserable you are about any particular subject - say, weight loss - the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is your primary focus.
So, the answer to utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is to simply stop thinking about your situation in such a negative manner! Start thinking positive thoughts, confident thoughts, and thoughts of happiness, smaller clothing sizes, and showing more skin at the beach.
When you successfully do those things, the Law of Attraction will start to move around the chess pieces that affect your life, and before you know it, you will have whatever it is that you need in order to finally get in shape.
Related ResourcesWeight Loss ResourcesFree Fitness AnalysisMental MeltdownWorkout PassSlim.comIt may come in the form of a free gym membership, a workout partner, a piece of home exercise equipment that you actually want to use, a new motivation to get involved in some sort of physical activity, or any number of other things that will put you on the path to weight loss.
Here's the rub, though - You can't sit around and get hung up on the details. Mike Dooley said it best in the movie 'The Secret' - "The How's are the domain of the Universe!"
You don't need to worry about HOW it is going to happen, you just have to feel the positive, confident emotions that will MAKE it happen. The Universe will then step in and show you the path!
About the AuthorAaron Potts is the owner and the creator of the Today is that Day website. His message to the world: "YOU are in charge, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!" If you found this article useful, check out his eBook 'Mental Meltdown: Weight Loss Begins in the Mind', or click below to make a small donation to help Aaron continue to provide powerful, informative, and useful content so you can enjoy your life to the fullest!
Depending on the circles that you run in, you may or may not have heard about a very powerful force in your life that is called the Law of Attraction. It's powers are literally limitless and utilizing those powers is absolutely free of charge!
Who doesn't want Unlimited Cosmic Power without even having to bust open their wallet?
I will start with a brief introduction to the Law of Attraction, and then I will get right into how you can use this universal power for something that a lot of people care about - losing weight!
In simple terms, the Law of Attraction basically states that "like attracts like". Whatever thoughts and feelings that you focus on the most will literally determine your future.
In fact, the Law of Attraction has already been working for you and every other life form in our universe since the beginning of time. However, only recently has education about its incredible power become readily available to the general public.
So how is it that the Law of Attraction can help you to lose weight? Simple - you just need to think about it! Sounds easy enough, right?
Well, it actually is just that easy, but an explanation of exactly how you are supposed to "think" will help you to understand this process better. You can then take that knowledge and use it to help you with your weight loss or fitness goals.
Earlier I said that the Law of Attraction has been working for all life since the beginning of time, which begs the question, "Then why haven't I lost any weight yet?". In fact, that same question could be asked about pretty much any other goal that anyone has ever had. If all we have to do is think about something in order to bring it into our lives, then why aren't we all rich, perfectly healthy, and living happily ever after?
The simple answer is that most people - without even knowing it - don't really think about what they want. They think about the fact that they DON'T have it. Now, if you'll go back briefly to the definition of the Law of Attraction - like attracts like - then you will see that the reason why people don't have the things that they want is because all they ever do is think about NOT having those things.
This same concept applies to weight loss and health just as efficiently as it applies to everything else. A lot of people want to lose weight, but rather than think about how wonderful their life will be once they have lost the weight, they instead think about how miserable they are because they HAVEN'T lost the weight!
Think about it. If you need to lose weight, which of the following statements describes your thoughts/feelings when you walk in front of a mirror without any clothes on:
a) I am so sexy since I have my weight under control, and I have an unlimited amount of confidence. I can date anyone that I please and my biggest problem is deciding which little tiny piece of clothing to wear to the beach or the swimming pool.b) I am so FAT! I can't even stand to look at myself in the mirror, so how can I expect anyone else to want to look at me? I'll be lucky if I don't have to take my clothing size up another notch or two at the rate I'm going.
Now, be honest. Which one of those statements do you think comes closer to the way that people who need to lose weight think of themselves?
Once again referring back to the Law of Attraction - If you think miserable, sad, guilty, or low self-esteem powered thoughts, then the Law of Attraction will dutifully bring you more things to be miserable about. In fact, the more miserable you are about any particular subject - say, weight loss - the more powerfully you will attract more of the same since that is your primary focus.
So, the answer to utilizing the power of the Law of Attraction for weight loss is to simply stop thinking about your situation in such a negative manner! Start thinking positive thoughts, confident thoughts, and thoughts of happiness, smaller clothing sizes, and showing more skin at the beach.
When you successfully do those things, the Law of Attraction will start to move around the chess pieces that affect your life, and before you know it, you will have whatever it is that you need in order to finally get in shape.
Related ResourcesWeight Loss ResourcesFree Fitness AnalysisMental MeltdownWorkout PassSlim.comIt may come in the form of a free gym membership, a workout partner, a piece of home exercise equipment that you actually want to use, a new motivation to get involved in some sort of physical activity, or any number of other things that will put you on the path to weight loss.
Here's the rub, though - You can't sit around and get hung up on the details. Mike Dooley said it best in the movie 'The Secret' - "The How's are the domain of the Universe!"
You don't need to worry about HOW it is going to happen, you just have to feel the positive, confident emotions that will MAKE it happen. The Universe will then step in and show you the path!
About the AuthorAaron Potts is the owner and the creator of the Today is that Day website. His message to the world: "YOU are in charge, and don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise!" If you found this article useful, check out his eBook 'Mental Meltdown: Weight Loss Begins in the Mind', or click below to make a small donation to help Aaron continue to provide powerful, informative, and useful content so you can enjoy your life to the fullest!
Monday, June 4, 2007
The Secret on Larry King Live
Larry King Interviews the teachers of The Secret
Part 1
Larry King Live - Beyond Positive Thinking - Part 1
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Part 2
Larry King Live - Beyond Positive Thinking - Part 2
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Part 1
Larry King Live - Beyond Positive Thinking - Part 1
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Part 2
Larry King Live - Beyond Positive Thinking - Part 2
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Larry King,
Larry King Live,
The Secret,
The Secret Teachers
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