After being exposed to The Secret, I became a student of The Law of Attraction. It is my goal to join the thousands of people around the world spreading the word on The Law of Attraction. This blog is dedicated to anything The Secret!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The Ester and Jerry Hicks Ommission Explained

The Esther and Jerry Hicks Omission Explained
By Cathy Lane March 9, 2007
Esther and Jerry Hicks have been omitted from the official list of Secret Teachers. This has been met by a great deal of disappoint by avid Secret fans because of the powerful message Esther delivered in the full length original version of the inspirational movie. Many of you have been left asking WHY?. . .

I have received numerous amounts of feedback in a short space of time concerning this issue and want to clear it up with you. I’ll share their story along the way.
Esther and Jerry Hicks have been teaching the Law of Attraction through the teachings of Abraham for over 20 years (since 1986 in fact).

They featured in the original version of The Secret but were subsequently omitted due to problems with the contract. I’ve been researching and surfing forums to find out why and this is what I’ve found out:
I’ll let Jerry and Esther explain what happened:
The Concept
Nearly two years ago, while on-board our Mexican Riviera Cruise, Prime Time Productions did an interview with Jerry and me, and with Abraham, in response to an agreement that we had all carefully crafted together for a television show that was to be aired in Australia called “The Secret.”
We were told that “The Secret” would be based on our work and that they would seek out other teachers who were in alignment with our work. We reviewed, on DVD, two other projects that had been created by this production company and found them to be beautifully done, and good-feeling pieces.
Their Strides into the Public Domain
Since Jerry and I had never before stepped into the public forum in that way with our Abraham work, we followed the advice of our publisher, who introduced us to an intellectual property rights attorney who assisted us in drafting the agreement which would guide our involvement with this project.
He explained to us that although he had included in the intellectual property rights license agreement that we were to receive a small percentage of the net profit from this project, and 10% of direct video sales, that it was very unlikely that (from his experience) we would receive any substantial compensation from our participation, and we were not unhappy with that arrangement.
Our decision to do it was not motivated from the idea of making money from it, (unless there was profit to share) but because we were stimulated by the excitement of this beautiful producer, and when we met her and her beautiful crew, we easily loved them all.
Delay in Airing
As time went by, it became apparent that the television network that we had been told would air “The Secret” was not going to do it, at least not right now, and so the production company began seeking other ways of marketing their beautiful project to recoup their very large investment. While Jerry and I were uncomfortable with what felt to us like a rather aggressive marketing campaign (just not our style, nothing wrong with it) we stayed focused on our busy schedule and really had very little to do with what was happening with “The Secret.”
The Omittance
Eventually we received an email from the producer of “The Secret” lovingly explaining (we never have received correspondence from her that was anything other than extremely loving) that the contract that we had all agreed upon and signed was no longer sufficient for their further distribution of the project in the areas they were now seeking to distribute the project, and that it would be necessary for us to relinquish our intellectual property rights in these areas forever and redo our contract or they would have to reluctantly edit us out.
It was clear, from the lovingly written email that they did not want to edit us out, but after conferring with our publisher, and then our intellectual property rights attorney, and finally with Abraham, allowing them to edit us out was the path of least resistance. Abraham’s words were very clear and easy to understand: “Whenever you are given an ultimatum that says, ‘if you don’t do this, then we will have to do such and such,’ it is best that you just let it go and move on. Otherwise there is always another, and this, and this, and this?”
The Backlash
Now, it seems there is quite a firestorm surrounding our dis-involvement with “The Secret”. We are receiving so many emails and letters and face-to-face questions from disappointed people regarding this, so we want you to understand how we feel about it.
No Hard feelings
We think that “The Secret” clearly and beautifully presents Abraham’s Law of Attraction in a way that is easy to understand. It is filled with stunning beauty and beautiful people, many of whom are our personal friends. We love the way “The Secret” moves us, and we feel joy rise within our hearts every time we watch it. We feel the power of it, and the clarity of it, and we love “The Secret”.

After hours of digging I found this statement on an Abraham Hicks forum:
Check out the full statement here>>
So. . .
Despite the omission Esther and Jerry are still enjoying the rapid expansion of the message of the teachings of Abraham and are happy to see it more and more prevalent in the public eye.
I thought I’d share how the Abraham Teachings have been used to explain the Law of Attraction.

Here’s 12 Lessons of Abraham-Hicks’ Teachings
“1. You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
2. You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
3. The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy.
4. You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
5. Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
6. You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
7. The Universe adores you; for it knows your broadest intentions.
8. Relax into your natural Well-being. All is well. (Really it is!)
9. You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy.
10. Actions to be taken and money to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.
11. You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.
12. You cannot die; you are Everlasting Life”

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