After being exposed to The Secret, I became a student of The Law of Attraction. It is my goal to join the thousands of people around the world spreading the word on The Law of Attraction. This blog is dedicated to anything The Secret!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

The Science of Getting Rich Seminar

So you saw The Secret? What do you do now? That's exactly where I found myself too. I had been wishing for a seminar, or learning system to put what I learned from The Secret into my daily life. Well one day in early March I received an email (to this day I still don't know who emailed me, it just appeared in my mailbox) about The Science of Getting Rich Seminar- the teachers from The Secret had put together a seminar on how to create unlimited wealth. Now, the seminar does depict wealth in monetary terms, it also explains how money is the initial step to take in order to live your life to complete abudance. Michael Beckwith explains how The Science of Getting Rich Seminar shows you more than just earning money, but how to live a complete life. Check out

Listen to Michael Beckwith discuss The Science of Getting Rich Seminar!

Jack Canfield explains The Science of Getting Rich and the impact on your self esteem.

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