After being exposed to The Secret, I became a student of The Law of Attraction. It is my goal to join the thousands of people around the world spreading the word on The Law of Attraction. This blog is dedicated to anything The Secret!

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Oprah's Interviews Michale Loiser auther of The Law of Attraction: The Science of Attraction More of what you Want and Less of what you don't

Oprah Interviews Michael Loiser who has written a reference guide Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting more of what you want and less of what you Don't. His book is based on his "ah- ha" moment while studying The Law of Attraction under Ester and Jerry Hicks. Ester and Jerry Hicks' comprehensive teachings have come to be known as "the secret behind The Secret." Oprah claims that Michael's book "easy to read, easy to understand, and offers practical tools and exercises to help attract that which you want, and just as importantly, stop attracting that which you don't." Michael offers the readers simple action steps to take to ignite the "vibrational energy" in you to set the law of attraction in motion.
Here is the interview:

Applying the Law of Attraction, Oprah- Michael Losier interview

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